Apex Locators

Apex locators assist in determining the length of the root canal, which helps to prevent the perforation of the wall and floor of the canal. They provide extremely accurate measurements of the root canal and help determine the location of the apical construction while giving audio feedback to let you know when you have reached the apex. Some electronic apex locators provide automatic calibration, which allows the machine to make adjustments based on conditions like the moisture, temperature and more of the root canal. Scott's Dental Supply stocks the top brands and models of apex locators like the Root ZX II from J. Morita USA.
Buy Root ZX 3 Apex Locator & HF Module Get $ 200 Rebate FREE!
Root ZX3 HF Module

J. Morita USA

Buy Root ZX 3 Get $ 50 Rebate FREE!
Root ZX3 Apex Locator

J. Morita USA

Buy Tri Auto ZX2+ Get $ 200 Rebate FREE!
Tri Auto ZX2+

J. Morita USA

Apex Connect

Kerr Endodontics

Root ZX II Apex Locator

J. Morita USA

OTR Low Speed Handpiece Module

J. Morita USA

Buy Root ZX Mini Get $ 50 Rebate FREE!
Root ZX Mini Apex Locator

J. Morita USA

Root ZX Accessories

J. Morita USA

Apex ID

Kerr Endodontics

9 Items