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Trimming & Finishing 12-Bladed Burs

SS White

SS White 12 Blade trimming/finishing bur with premium quality tungsten carbide blades and a stainless steel shank provide faster and smoother cutting, and have a 100% quality guarantee. Twelve bladed finishing burs provide a smooth finish on composite, amalgam, enamel, dentin, ortho debonding and other dental materials. Designated by the 7000 series #. Ideal for controlled contouring and finishing.

A smoother, more aesthetically pleasing surface can be achieved with carbide finishing burs as opposed to diamonds for most restorative materials. Carbide burs should be used to trim and finish macrofilled composites and hybrid composites. Grinding & polishing diamonds should be used to trim and finish microfilled composites.

Features & Benefits:

  • High quality fine-grain tungsten carbide 
  • Surgical grade stainless steel 
  • Powerful cutting performance 
  • Maximum strength & durability 
  • Consistent quality 
  • Available in 5 - packs or 100 - bulk packs
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