Temrex® Temporary Cement


Temrex Zinc Oxide Eugenol Temporary Cement has a variety of indicated uses including a base under amalgam, silicate and gold inlays; temporary retaining of crowns and bridges; sedation of deep sensitive cavities and crown preparations; temporary cementation of long span permanent bridges on abutment and preparations with short or inadequate retention form.

Features & Benefits:

  • Strong -4100 psi compressive strength
  • Protective - inhibits microbial growth and minimizes microleakage
  • Soothing - sedates and heals injured pulp in crown and cavity preps
  • Retentive - the most scientifically tested and documented temporary cement
  • Efficient - sets hard rapidly, so it can be used as a base under amalgams
Cement Liquid 1oz Bottle
563-310 Temrex 310
$ 19.95
Cement Liquid 4oz Bottle
563-320 Temrex 320
$ 61.95
Cement Powder 25g Jar White
563-330 Temrex 330
$ 26.95
Cement Powder 25g Jar Yellow
563-331 Temrex 331
$ 26.95
Cement Powder 100g Jar White
563-340 Temrex 340
$ 74.95
Cement Powder 100g Jar Yellow
563-341 Temrex 341
$ 74.95
Cement Powder 1 Lb. Bottle White
563-350 Temrex 350
$ 199.95
Product Name / Part # Price Qty

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