SensiTemp® NEZO

Sultan Healthcare

A non-eugenol temporary cement for all indications including inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges. Designed to be extremely retentive yet very easy to remove. Two automix delivery systems provide perfect mixing, easy clean-up and minimal waste. Ideal for all indications.

Features & Benefits:

  • Ideal for all indications including inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges
  • Extremely retentive, yet easy to remove
  • Contains potassium nitrate to help reduce post-operative sensitivity
  • Two automix delivery systems provide a consistent bubble-free mix every time with far less waste than with mixing pads
  • Mini mixing tips allow for easier, more precise handling
  • Easy cleanup
SensiTemp Nezo Automix Syringe Kit
313-70050 Sultan Healthcare 70050
layers Contains document-text SDS
$ 60.95
  • 3 @ $ 59.95
SensiTemp Nezo 25ml Cartridge Refill
313-70055 Sultan Healthcare 70055
layers Contains document-text SDS
$ 146.95
  • 3 @ $ 144.95
Product Name / Part # Price Qty

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