MicroPrimeâ„¢ Desensitizer

Zest Dental (Danville Materials)

MicroPrime is a superior desentisizing agent which can be placed under dental cememnts or temporary, provisional or final restorative materials to reduce post-operative sensitivity. It can also be used for desensitization of amalgam restorations, either conventional or bonded. MicroPrime contains HEMA to aid bonding primers to penetrate etched dentin. The HEMA base in MicroPrime helps seal tubules, giving immediate relief from pain due to hypersensitivity. Most dentin resin bonding materials will benefit from MicroPrime application. Its application reliably reduces post-op sensitivity by supporting the collagen framework for easier penetration of the adhesive, thus enhancing the dentin bond.

Features & Benefits:

  • Helps kill bacteria 
  • Alters nerve responses 
  • Aids bonding primers in penetrating etched dentin 
  • Compatible with all total-etch bonding systems, cements and amalgam 
  • HEMA formulation reliably plugs tubules
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270-90814 Zest Dental (Danville Materials) 90814
$ 129.95
  • 3 @ $ 127.95
Micro Prime B Type Desensitizer 10ml
270-87001 Zest Dental (Danville Materials) 87001
$ 129.95
  • 3 @ $ 127.95
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Danville Microprime Brochure.pdf

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