Gluma Etch


GLUMA Etch Gel is an etching agent based on orthophosphoric acid. It is used to etch enamel and condition dentine in the context of adhesive filling therapy.

Features & Benefits:

  • Clean and easy application 
  • Reliable identification thanks to the colour of the gel 

GLUMA Etch Gel is used for enamel etching and enamel/dentine etching using the total etch technique prior to the adhesive bonding of:

  • Composite and compomer restorations 
  • Laboratory-fabricated, indirect restorations (e.g., inlays, crowns, bridges, veneers) 
  • Sealants.
Gluma Etch 35 Fluid 15ml
665-66039868 Kulzer 66039868
$ 37.95
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